Hello Hello! Ya por fin es viernes jajaja y ustedes saben que amo los fines de semana. Si me siguen por instagram (@sofyalh) sabrán que amo la comida jajaa, me encanta descubrir nuevos lugares para salir a comer, este post lo quiero dedicar para aquellos lugares que me encantan para ir a desayunar en Aguascalientes. Si vives en la ciudad "De la Gente Buena" o están planeado conocer esta ciudad aquí les dejo mi top 5 (el orden no tienen importancia).
Hello Hello! It's finally Friday, hahaha and you know I love weekends. If you follow me by Instagram (@sofyalh) you will know that I love the food hahaha, I love discovering new places to go out to eat, this post I want to dedicate it to those places that I love for breakfast in Aguascalientes. If you live in the city "De la Gente Buena" or are you planning to visit this city, here I leave you my top 5 (the order doesn`t matter).
Hello Hello! It's finally Friday, hahaha and you know I love weekends. If you follow me by Instagram (@sofyalh) you will know that I love the food hahaha, I love discovering new places to go out to eat, this post I want to dedicate it to those places that I love for breakfast in Aguascalientes. If you live in the city "De la Gente Buena" or are you planning to visit this city, here I leave you my top 5 (the order doesn`t matter).


Las tostadas! están increíblemente deliciosas se los juro, el pan me teletransporto a mis días en mi ranchito de Francia jaja. Les recomiendo pedirlas con unos huevos "ponchados". Este lugar es para personas que aman comer sano y delicioso.
The Toast! They are incredibly delicious. I swear, the bread teleported me to my days in my little ranch in France haha. I recommend ordering them with some eggs "ponchados". This place is for people who love to eat healthy and delicious.
The Toast! They are incredibly delicious. I swear, the bread teleported me to my days in my little ranch in France haha. I recommend ordering them with some eggs "ponchados". This place is for people who love to eat healthy and delicious.

Este lugar esta justo al ladito de Me lo Dijo Adela, este a diferencia del primero es perfecto si prefieres ese toque "picosito" en tu comida, son fan de los Chilaquiles Bruja, la salsa de este lugar me encanta.
This place is right next to Me lo dijo Adela, this unlike the first is perfect if you prefer that touch "spicy" in your food, are fans of the Chilaquiles Witch, the sauce of this place I love.
Uff, si eres al igual que yo fan de los acai bowls o eres una persona vegana, este lugar es una opción muy deliciosa, mi recomendación es el Bahía bow si amas los frutos rojos. También les recomiendo los taquitos vietnamitas están deliciosos.
Uff, if you're like me fan of the acai bowls or you're a vegan person, this place is a very delicious option, my recommendation is the bow bay if you love the red fruits. I also recommend the Vietnamese taquitos are delicious.
Uff, if you're like me fan of the acai bowls or you're a vegan person, this place is a very delicious option, my recommendation is the bow bay if you love the red fruits. I also recommend the Vietnamese taquitos are delicious.

Yo y los chilaquiles somos uno mismo jajaja es una de mis comidas mexicanas favoritas. Lo increíble de este lugar es que puedes pedir que tipo de salsa quieres así como tus totopos. También hay un té de matcha delicioso, conchas mexicanas y más cosas deliciosas.
Me and the chilaquiles are oneself hahaha is one of my favorite Mexican foods. The incredible thing about this place is that you can ask what kind of sauce you want as well as your chips. There is also a delicious matcha tea, Mexican shells and more delicious things.
Me and the chilaquiles are oneself hahaha is one of my favorite Mexican foods. The incredible thing about this place is that you can ask what kind of sauce you want as well as your chips. There is also a delicious matcha tea, Mexican shells and more delicious things.

Luis (mi novio) es fan de las malteadas jajaaj y a mi me encantan los waffles, entonces este lugar es perfecto. En este lugar puedes pedir tu shake o tu waffle de una manera súper personalizada, también tienen un menú healthy si prefieres desayunar algo mas sano.
Luis (my boyfriend) is a fan of shakes and I love waffles, so this place is perfect. In this place you can ask how you want your waffle and your shake, they also have a healthy menu if you prefer to eat something healthier.
Con Amor, Sofy.
Espero y tenga un increíble fin de semana, no se olviden de
seguirme en mi instagram (@sofyalh).
With love, Sofy.
I hope you have a lovely weekend, do not forget
to follow me on my Instagram (@sofyalh).
I hope you have a lovely weekend, do not forget
to follow me on my Instagram (@sofyalh).
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